At Exwells, we're committed to providing our customers with exceptional products and service. We understand that you may have questions about our products, shipping, and more. That's why we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help address any concerns you may have.


Simply add the items that you would like to purchase to your cart and proceed to checkout! We do not accept phone or email orders at this time. 

Click on Track Order. In some instances, carrier's tracking information may only be available in 2-3 business days after the order is fulfilled.

We accept PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Apple Pay.


Shipping time depends on the product you purchase and the destination country, as a different product has different production time. If you would like to know the estimated delivery time and shipping fee, please select the destination country on the checkout page to get an idea of the approximate time frame.

You can find your tracking information via the shipping confirmation email when we successfully fulfilled your order.